As you begin your search for new free internet marketing software and free keyword generator programs there are certain things that you must do to maximize your efforts. Remember that time is your most valuable commodity as an internet marketer and simply put we as marketers do not have time to waste looking at, reading about and testing new software programs that offer the following;
1.) Trial Use
2.) Limited Use
3.) Timed Use
4.) Demo Only
5.) Light Version
I'm sure that from time to time you will find a truly wonderful program that defies all of the odds, but let's look at this from a practical point of view here. How much time was spent getting to the point where you found that software program? Was it really worth all the hassles? More often than not I'm sure that you'll agree that it would be better if you could simply find a website that reviewed these so called "free internet marketing software programs" and "free keyword generators". And of course finding such a site that also offered a blog or forum for viewer comments would be even better.
To prove this let's do a brief study on free internet marketing software and high quality free keyword generators. For the sake of argument let's run a search on Google for a "free keyword generator".
Case Study #1:
Free Keyword List Generator by Stomper Net - My first thoughts were WOW another GREAT free or low cost promotional tool being offered by Stomper Net! Then I realized that I had to sign up for their email list AGAIN and register to use the tool. Once I'd jumped through these initial proverbial hoops I was shocked to find that I'd overlooked the fact that this software uses Word Tracker Keywords.
This means that my software would need to be upgraded to unlock it's full potential, which of course would cost money. Worse than that I might need to sign up for the Word Tracker Keywords program and that means I could possibly end up paying for a monthly or annual subscription to their service.
* Before I offend anyone I do realize that Stomper Net and the Word Tracker Keyword program are both well respected staples in the internet marketing niche. However, in this case it is my goal to help people find completely FREE full version internet marketing software and keyword generator software that they can use to promote their products, services and affiliate programs with.
Case Study #2:
Good Keywords - At first site their website looks very well organized and professional. They offer free full version keyword research tools and keyword generator software that looks like it will do exactly what we've all be looking for. At one time this may have been a state of the art program back when Yahoo's Overture worked reliably on a consistent basis.
The problem with this free internet marketing software group is that it is completely reliant on a program that is so over used that the mere traffic to the Yahoo Overture website alone bogs down their system so badly that you're lucky if you can even get their website pages to load from one visit to the next.
* Also sadly in this internet marketer's humble opinion the results that are pulled with the free Yahoo Overture tool has proven to be unreliable and unstable at best. Again, I don't mean to offend anyone and I'm sure that at one time this was a GREAT program, but there are newer and better things.
Case Study #3:
Global Promoter - The first thing I noticed on their website was this;
"Please be patient. This may take up to 2 minutes because it compiles the results of 6 major search engines. Sometimes no results are returned even though there are queries performed on the keywords you typed in during the given month. If this occurs, just hit submit again until the correct results are returned."
In theory this looks GREAT if they're really using this free internet marketing software program, or in this case, free keyword generator software, to search on SIX major search engines! However, what I found next really bothered me. "No Searches Done in March 2008 on the Overture network of search engines for your keyword."
This only left me thinking that there I was again using a program that was completely reliant on Yahoo's Overture, which again in my humble opinion was outdated, unreliable and inconsistent.
Case Study #4:
Google AdWords Free Keyword Generator Tool - With this free internet marketing software program I thought that I'd finally struck oil. After all no website is more revered, searched and used online for things of this nature than the mighty Google themselves! With that in mind I typed in my favorite set of keyword search terms;
"free internet marketing software"
Unfortunately the results that were returned consisted of 3 targeted keyword phrases and 11 other keyword phrases that had NOTHING to do with any form of internet marketing software.
Case Study #5:
Traffic Zap's Free Keyword Generator - Let me cut this one short by telling you that when I tried to use it the first thing I got was a POP UP with something that looked mildly semi-pornographic. It then appeared to be processing for some time only to return an error message that once again leads back to problems that we've already discussed regarding the long list of free internet marketing software programs that rely on Yahoo's Overture.
At this point we've researched ALL of the top 5 unique listings on Google for "free keyword generator" and we have yet to find a truly reliable free internet marketing software program that we can use to promote our products, services or affiliate marketing programs.....other than ones that we would most likely have to PAY to upgrade, such as the program by Stomper Net mentioned above.
Final Case Study:
Free Keyword Generator by IM Software 4 Free - This program checks for a list of popular keywords by searching on Google, Yahoo and MSN combined to come up with a more complete starting point for internet marketers to use. It also runs a search on these 3 major search engines to find out how many competitor posts show up for each of the chosen keywords.
While no free internet marketing software or free keyword generator is going to be perfect this tool is truly a GREAT program to use and best of all it's completely FREE to download and use. There is no trial use, limited use, timed use, demo or light version that leads to a paid upgrade or leaves you out hanging in the wind to PAY if you want to use the software after a specific time frame.
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